
新手开店 1年前 (2023) 电商目录
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 1、 如果你确定是被恶搞,而不是真正的权利人来合法维权,最快速恢复的方法是搞虚假撤诉,直接写信给notice-retraction@amazon.com这个网址,格式是: ASIN: Complaint ID: Title: Reason: 这种就也可以快速的恢复,甚至快的也就1-2个小时左右的,但是这个只适用于被同行恶搞的那种,如果是权利方合法维权的话,这个方法一定不能用,很大概率会被判定欺诈。

2、 二种恢复的方法是后台申诉:第一次申诉的时候不要承认自己侵权,点下面的误判,点此处提交亚马逊的DMCA模板,如果asin的权重够高得话,点了后会很快恢复,如果出现“提交更多”选项得时候就要制作证明材料了。


首先就是证明你得产品上架时间早于他,这个Page not found · Shopify Help Center … /chat是shopify得在线客服链接,你可以询问他投诉你的链接得上架时间,以此来佐证你得asin的上架时间早于他;其他独立站也是类似的思路。只要你能提供带时间戳的信息,都是可以用的。







2. 商标侵权(上次是说我们的品牌没有注册对应的产品类目,然后对方投诉成功)

3. 版权侵权(投诉者有版权号,他是直接照着我们的主图,画了一个线稿图去申请版权成功了)




2. 产品listing上架时间截图+投诉者独立站listing上架时间截图(两者对比图,可以在申诉心中辅助说明)

3. 如果我们注册了专利,可以同时直接提供专利号、专利申请设计图以及专利证书文件

4. 投诉品牌的话,可以去USPTO截图我们的品牌信息,突出品牌申请和注册成功时间;同时可以再加上后台品牌成功备案的截图

5. 采购发票(近3个月的)

6. 申诉信


Dear Amazon Team,


We received an email from Amazon about a copyright complaint:


Complaint ID: 被投诉ID


We are convinced that this is a malicious complaint for the following reasons:


1) We have no infringing trademarks. We are legitimate regular brand sellers. We own the trademark 品牌名in the United States and its registration number is 注册号. 品牌名 is a brand that 注册公司名(后台的) authorized us to sell on Amazon, and we have registered this brand on Amazon, please check Picture 12-13.


2) We have no infringing on appearance patents. This product was developed by 注册公司名(后台的) and applied an appearance patent. Please refer to Picture 1, 2, 3 for the model files. We have obtained the acceptance notice from the US Patent Office, please check 附件文件名.


3) We have no infringing images. This product was created on June 30, 2021, all pictures were taken and designed by our designers, please check Picture/PSD 5-11.


4) We have no infringing text. We didn’t use the brand “投诉者品牌名” on our text. The listing text is written by ourself, our was created on June 30th. But the complainant’s text was created on Sep 30th, please refer to picture 14-15.


5) Also attached is the proof of purchase invoice, please check Picture 16. The complainant has again launched a malicious complaint and this product has now been taken down by malicious complaint. We have communicated with the complainant several times, but have not received any response. We can provide further information to prove the compliance of our products.

5) This case is that the complainant has built a very simple website with no inventory, sales method, payment method, etc., which is only used for malicious complaints. They misappropriated my product image and simply changed the brand name to “投诉者品牌名”. Then use this website to complain to us for image infringement. And they also used improper means to modify the pictures of my products, which affected my sales. I found that they are also selling on Amazon, this is their ASIN , and his current picture is also plagiarized from others! And other products were copied in the same way on the website of the complainant.


6) Here is the link to our official website:    自己的官网链接或者亚马逊链接  , created on July 29, 2021.

Here is the link to “投诉者品牌名” official website: 投诉者独立站链接, created on Sep 30th, 2021.

We sincerely ask that Amazon, upon receipt of this appeal letter, investigate and restore our ASIN as soon as possible. If you need more information please contact us.


Look forward to your reply soon.



版权声明:电商目录 发表于 2023年11月1日 pm7:29。
转载请注明:被独立柱恶搞的申诉信 | 电商目录amz亚马逊导航站


